Embark on an inspiring journey with the tale of Eisling, a remarkable 18-year-old mare who defied the odds. Eisling’s life took a hopeful turn when she was rescued from a truck headed for an abattoir in the Free State. This marked the beginning of her remarkable recovery, spearheaded by Monique Kymdell, a renowned horse rescuer in the region. The transformational role of Equistrath in her journey is a key highlight of this story.
The Rescue Miracle: Eisling’s rescue was an extraordinary event. John Glaister, a kind-hearted trucker, played a crucial role in safely transporting her to Heartland in KZN on October 21st, 2021. Eisling arrived in a state of deep fear and aggression, posing a challenge to those around her. A thorough examination revealed her dire condition: she was undernourished, afflicted with overgrown hooves, hair loss due to parasites, and various wounds. Adding to the complexity, there was a suspicion that Eisling might be pregnant.
A Name of Hope: In light of her turbulent past, we chose the name Eisling, meaning “hopeful dream” in Gaelic. This name symbolized the hopeful path of healing and recovery that lay before her.
Path to Healing: Our committed team wasted no time in caring for Eisling, bathing her, and treating her injuries. Following advice from experts at Assagay Feeds, we introduced Equistrath into her diet, which led to remarkable improvements. Eisling’s weight stabilized, and her coat began to shine with health.
Unveiling the Transformation: Eisling’s aggressive behavior was a result of her previous mistreatment. To help her, we enlisted Glyn Redgrave, a skilled local horse whisperer. His expertise, along with the efforts of the Heartland Team, facilitated a significant change in Eisling. The team observed not just her physical transformation but also the positive effects of Equistrath.
The Joy of New Life: Just 35 days post-rescue, Eisling gave birth to a healthy colt on November 25th, 2021. Named Odin, after the God of War, his name reflects the resilience he demonstrated from within the womb.
A Future Filled with Hope: In the ensuing months, Eisling has shown incredible progress. With consistent training and care, she has become more manageable and enjoys regular outdoor activities. Our goal is to provide Eisling a serene and loving permanent home, while Odin is being prepared for adoption into a loving forever home. We are deeply thankful for the generosity and support of everyone involved in this journey.